The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I'm retired!. I went from Happy Valley right to New York City in 1971 to get into advertising, my college sweety, Ingrid Groller, in tow. She, being more talented than me, got a job immediately as a reporter at an advertising trade magazine called ANNY (now Adweek). It took me about 8 weeks to sign on with BBDO advertising on the Pepsi Cola account as an assistant media planner. I then moved on to Wells Rich Greene, eventually rising to Associate Media Director on the Alka Seltzer, TWA, Olympus Cameras, and Benson & Hedges accounts. They sent me to Dallas to work on Braniff in 1980, but the airline went out of business. I was sent to Los Angeles, where I ended my career as VP Advertising at Universal Pictures in 1994. Ingrid and I got divorced in 1976, and I married and got divorced again. Currently single and not looking to change that. I have also lived in Minneapolis, and now Virginia Beach, where I have retired. My favorite memory was in 1979 at the Watkins Glen race track in New York. My client, Olympus Cameras, was sponsoring Mario Andretti in the Lotus Formula 1 car in which he won the Formula one championship that year. We had also decided to do a hangover campaign for Alka Seltzer, and a rookie sales rep for Penthouse got a 6 page schedule. Bottom line, I had full pit credentials from Olympus and full press and photo passes from Penthouse. Hope everyone is well!